Saturday, March 21, 2009

5 Male Nudes on 3D Cube

Top of Cube: Sitting on Stool

Sitting on Stool

On Left Side: On back, legs up ~ On Top: Half Kneel

On Back, Legs Up

on top: On One Knee

On One Knee

Half Crossleg

Half Kneel

$225. + S/H

These five studies were done at the same time,
one face of the birch cube is solid color


  1. Candy, this is grand...been wanting to paint a cube, but haven't got there yet. Male nudes...over the top! Someone's gotta want this piece.

  2. Thanks Maggie, hopefully this will make a nice addition for someone's collection!

  3. The nude cube is really interesting. So contrasting in it's presentation- geometric 3-D yet the surface is flat then there is the juicey subject. It is very successful. Congrats on that unusual execution and good work for your upcoming show.

  4. Thanks Gretchen for stopping by and the nice comment!



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