Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Male Torso

5 x 7 inches Oil & Charcoal on canvas board SOLD

$99. + S/H

Back to working from models in Vermont. Still
getting settled in combined with getting garden going.
Mother's Day spent doing a big clean out
in my closet...tossing out unused clothes
and making room for clothes that
were still in the Arizona suitcases!

I could probably spend everyday
sorting and tossing now that I'm back
at home. Too much stuff.
To paint, or to "organize "?
It's a real dilemma some days,
feeling overwhelmed by


  1. Hi Candy,

    Nice to see you're home and painting. Annette and I missed you last night at SAS.


  2. Awe thanks for you and Annette missing me Pam... Ditto! Glad you're still painting after the SAS revamping of Monitors, etc!



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