24 x 36 Inches Oil on deep wrapped canvas

If you notice, the model has a GIGANTIC PILLOW on her lap, that she was suggested to use in order to raise her hands up..(this was from the right side of the room unbeknownst to me... so figuring a big pillow on her lap should be substituted for her holding something else...I figured what better to hold than my grandson? So I couldn't not swap out the look of model's features for Sabra! But this was the first attempt... the baby's head too small... so the last version baby is bigger and is lower, mom with longer neck as well.. Ran out of time.
But here we have 2 great examples of why the LARGE pillow was needed... very nice paintings by Jerry and James (both instructors at Scottsdale Artists School)
James Jiang with his finished portrait
That's so interesting! I've recently been realizing how I can create the reference photos that I really want by doing little things like that. Substituting different things that aren't really in the photo... I think when you know enough about perspective and lighting, you can get away with that, rather than having to copy just one photo. And it's a lot more fun and satisfying! This is such a great portrait of a woman and child! You amaze me, Candy!